West Kimberley Waste Management Facility
Hydrogeological assessment of two waste management facilities located in Western Australia's Kimberley region.
Both Derby and Fitzroy waste management facilities are prescribed premises under the Environmental Protection Act (1986). A hydrogeological assessment was required at each site to meet licence conditions and assess the risk of groundwater contamination from landfill operations.
Desired outcome:
Develop a hydrogeological profile, of sufficient rigor and integrity to facilitate reliable risk assessment, to the satisfaction of regulators.
Services provided:
Desktop study and data gap analysis.
Sampling, analysis, and quality plan development and implementation.
Hydrogeological profile development.
Contamination risk assessment.
Project outcome:
The project was delivered on-time and within budget. Through effective project management, challenges associated with the remote site location were able to be overcome and costs minimised. Reports were accepted by Regulators and licence conditions satisfied.
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